Ok Corax arrived so I figured I'd do a bit of a product review.
The model is pretty crisp and the metal of decent quality. However the lightning claws provided are awefully molded and I will be making replacemements, and the loin cloth pieces don't really seem to fit on the model.
I like the posing but many have commented to me on Corax's "gay ballerina" pose so clearly theres so issue, I also intend to green stuff the models hair out a little as its a bit pony tail esq at the minute.
Overall I give the model a 7/10.
Ok now for some appologies. Blog posting will resume now thanks to my internet connection being up, me being in funds to buy paints and models and the fact I'm no longer in France.
Tomorrow I'll post the first in a series of painting tutorials I've been working on.
Feed back on articles you've liked or found useful would be helpful too, and please pass on the commission site to people if you can. More will be gong on there soon as I have a couple of days off to work on it and cleaning up some models to add to it.
I've never seen this model before and I too field a Raven Guard army.
ReplyDeleteI looked up Kabuki models on their website and saw this little blurb:
WARNING: be careful because we spot some illegal copies of our Knights Of Legend sold on Ebay (in particular from the Spanish sellers: E-minis and dospatitos or the French figurines-studio38). They are poor recast offered at the same price of the original ones if not more. You can reconize them because the packaging is different (blister and not hardpaper box) and sometimes the base is different and metal cast (our are in urethane resin).
I wonder if you got one of the Spanish replicas? Maybe you didn't have a choice with it being out-of-stock.
@ Jason. It was ordered from Kabuki them selves. The model is a good cast other than the claws whuch I think are a little too fiddly for a good cast.