Just a quick update before the post, Hector Rex has spent 24 hours in his cosy smelly bath and has come out clean, I wanted to show you all a pic but I've base coated him as I didn't think so will show you the finished model soon. On the downside my hands stink of dettol.

Also Ravens have had one of the 5 man squads finished and I've been working on the command squad I'm hoping to have a shiny update post up at the weekend.
But for now my mind has been wandering, due to clearing out my hobby cupboard I've come to realise I've only done power armoured armies (Marines, Chaos Marines, Sisters of Battle) and many of my gamer friends are starting new armies several of them the armies I wanted to do, then I looked at Eldar.

I've always liked the aspect warriors, especially as you can paint a few different colours in one force to add some variety which I would very much enjoy. Then i picked up the codex and thought about the units I like, that combined with pen and paper led to this.
Eldar - 2000pts (ish)
Jain Zar (I will be converting the model): 190

10 Howling Banshees (Exarch + Executioner + War Shout + Acrobatics): 192
Wave Serpent + Twin-linked Bright Lance: 145

10 Howling Banshees (Exarch + Executioner + War Shout + Acrobatics): 192
Wave Serpent + Twin-linked Bright Lance: 145
10 Howling Banshees (Exarch + Executioner + War Shout + Acrobatics): 192
Wave Serpent + Twin-linked Bright Lance: 145
10 Dire Avengers (Exarch + Power Weapon & Shimmer Shield + Defend + Bladestorm); 177
Wave Serpent + Twin-linked Bright Lance: 145

10 Dire Avengers (Exarch + Power Weapon & Shimmer Shield + Defend + Bladestorm); 177
Wave Serpent + Twin-linked Bright Lance: 145
Wraithlord (Wraith Sword + Shuriken Cannon) (converted to look like a Banshee): 110

While not the most effective list I think it will be fun to paint and use.
Comments, crits, poems, limericks welcome
new secretary theme for a bit, 40k cosplay ladies ;)

Well it'll certainly take people by surprise I'll give you that.
ReplyDeleteI'd be concerned about how little real anti-tank you have across the list as once your vehicles are popped you don't really have any outside of close combat and that's not real effective against decent opponents who remember to move their vehicles.
Hmmmmmmm. I very much question the effectiveness of this army. 145 points per Serpent?! It's almost as expensive as the squad its carrying! Is AV14 really prevelant enough in our gaming group to warrant that many Bright Lances? Why not swap them for EMLs? Least then you get the duality of shooting either S8 shots, or blasts vs infantry.
ReplyDeleteI would also drop a unit of Dire Avengers for a unit of F. Dragons. They are pretty much mandatory in an Eldar list, and your only real way of reliably dealing with heavy armour.
I think you may have gone overboard with the Exarch powers too. Bladestorm and Defend are both awesome, but I would equip the DA Exarch with twin S. catapults to make the most of that turn of shooting. I'm also not a fan of Acrobatics, but YMMV.
The theme is cool though, for what its worth. And I was totally going to do Eldar as my next army too! Grrrrr! =P
i take both your points, and you have raised the same issue i have with the list, but unfortunately all the good anti tank lives with banshees unless i take a couple of units of dark reapers and reduce the cost of the wave serpents (@ nathan they're 100pts basic!!)
ReplyDelete@ Citizenwilliams - Couldn't you do the same basic concept better using the Dark Eldar Codex?
ReplyDeleteYou could call them as 'Eldar Pirates' or some such.....
i suppose... will have a look
ReplyDelete1) farseer is required
ReplyDelete2) if you dropped a squad down to 5 or 6 men (women)( then you could put them in falcon with a bright lance that would then have 3 strength 8 shots and could be twin linked by the farseer from point 1
3)doesnt the phoenix lord give you the abilities of an exarch anyway?
4) rangers/pathfinders are one of the best stay at home units in the game and would cost far less than a second squad of dire avengers as your other troop
1) grr don't want one
ReplyDelete2) i take this point
3) she does and more so i suppose i can save some points
4) the one this i've said i'm not taking end of is rangers, 'd rather use eldrad and wear a gimp mask every game