So yeah its been a good seven months since I posted up on here. Why you
ask? 40k is dead to me. I have tried to like 6th ed I just can't do it,
so I sold a load of my stuff off and my Raven sit and wait for 7th ed. Does this mean I've stopped hobbying these last few months?...
Hell no. As luck should have it two good friend of mine opened an independant gaming store in the summer, selling all kinds of nerd lovlies, from GW all the way to board games but with the capacity to order pretty much anything.
During the down time between the shop opening and GW killing 40k i found solice in roleplaying and board games but something was missing.So I began a process that felt totally alien, looking for a new miniatures game.
The first game that caught my eye was this little lovely.
Steampunk has intriguesd me for along time and even a quick glance at malifaux rekindled my hobby love, beautiful models, great innovative rules just an all round joy. So i picked up a box set (the show girls box set for those that are interested) and loved the system. A.D. and i soldier through learning the rules and played game after game to iron out our misunderstandings. 5 months down the line and i play both Wyrd's games, (Malifaux and Puppet wars) I am backing their kickstarter for their RPG system and I ama "Henchman" meaning I am sponsored by Wyrd to teach their games to people in the local area.
It's a blast and I cannot thank Wyrd enough. I'm hoping to put some pictures of my gangs in a galllery in the next few days as well as planning a series of articvles on the price and getting started with Malifaux which will start after christmas.

Like many who lose faith in GW I have found my self playing war machine, mostly because A.D. started it but also because my new roleplaying group are playing through the Iron Kingdoms system and I found my self really enjoying the background to Warmahoardes, something I'd lways dismissed before. My army are only about 50% finished atm but I hope to have them up on the blog soon.
It's a blast and I cannot thank Wyrd enough. I'm hoping to put some pictures of my gangs in a galllery in the next few days as well as planning a series of articvles on the price and getting started with Malifaux which will start after christmas.
Malifaux is by no means the only game I've been playing though. With access to a wonderful trove of toys I've bought my self two fairly large fleets for fantasy flights X-wing. A great simple system that works well as a minitures game or a board game (if you have both fleets like I do). I'm going to do a full review soon as well as of a few other FF products as being in and around store allows me to play loads of great gmaes without neccessarily buying them.
Like many who lose faith in GW I have found my self playing war machine, mostly because A.D. started it but also because my new roleplaying group are playing through the Iron Kingdoms system and I found my self really enjoying the background to Warmahoardes, something I'd lways dismissed before. My army are only about 50% finished atm but I hope to have them up on the blog soon.
So to finish in the next few days I'll be changing the blog a little, adding in some galleries and reviews and generally making it look nicer.
If you have any questions, I direct you to the FB page or you can email me at Lastly just a few links to the gmaes i'm playing, to Titan games (the guys really are great and will bend over backwards to help you) and finally to Jedi News and Farsight blogger, John who's an editor at both these sights needs a big thankyou for getting me blogging again and allowing me to play with unreleased toys.
If you have any questions, I direct you to the FB page or you can email me at Lastly just a few links to the gmaes i'm playing, to Titan games (the guys really are great and will bend over backwards to help you) and finally to Jedi News and Farsight blogger, John who's an editor at both these sights needs a big thankyou for getting me blogging again and allowing me to play with unreleased toys.
Thanks for reading and I promise more updates soon.
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